North American Fiction and Film

North American Fiction and Film

Design team:

John Fitzsimmons, Central Queensland University


John Fitzsimmons


In North American Fiction and Film, students study novels written by North American writers such as Melville, Hemingway, DeLillo, Vonnegut, Atwood, and Esquival, and they view film versions of the same works (if appropriate). In the course, they are given the role of Editorial Board Members of an online scholarly journal to which they submit book reviews and articles based on their study of the literature. The students collaboratively design a guide for novice reviewers on how to write a book review. The teacher of the course is the journal editor, and an edition of the journal is published online at the end of the semester.

Web links:

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Read more:

Fitzsimmons, J. (2001). Designing an effective online unit: Theory and practice. Paper presented at the Teaching Online in Higher Education Online Conference, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana. Available:

Fitzsimmons, J. (2006). Speaking snake: Authentic learning and the study of literature. In A. Herrington & J. Herrington (Eds.), Authentic learning environments in higher education (pp. 162-171). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.