Authentic task approach (ATA) at ENC

Website devoted to the Authentic Task Approach. Features a list of 8 essential elements to the approach, e.g., clarify your task, identify criteria for success, etc. Includes links to lesson plans and other resources.

Authentic learning

Website created by Tiffany Marra from the University of Michigan . Features a history of authenticity, and links to many websites utilising authentic approaches.

The Journal of Authentic Learning

The Journal of Authentic Learning is a peer-reviewed, online journal, published by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the State University of New York at Oswego, which provides a forum for dissemination of original ideas in research, practice, or theory of authentic learning and teaching.

The Edith Cowan University Authentic Learning Prize

A prize offered annually at the Higher Education Research and Development Association (HERDSA) Conference for the best refereed paper describing an authentic learning environment.